
Thursday, December 04, 2008

First - include (not prelude)

Welcome to my world of programming. I try to make my entries as simple as possible. And sorry if i don't.

Here I'm going to jot down my experience during my next programming's journey for my own future reference, and might be for u too. Note, posting here won't reflect any programming language, unless regarding technical issues on certain language. But i do program using C, C++, Perl. Others seldom (HTML, Basic, Javascript, Java) or none.

programming-by-xp means by experience, not XP! (i'm not biased towards any OS). Stay neutral. All for any languages and any languages for all.


-Include is the first thing to do in C programming
-Ah, btw, i rethink my decision. Some of the posts might biased to C, since i'm doing lots of C programming lately.



  1. adalah menjadi hobi aku
    guna include dalam sistem yang
    dibuat oleh aku

    hehehe :D

  2. it should practiced, i must say. Since 'include' also advocates modularity

    (hehe saja nak cakap omputih ngan ko. Sudi datang gak ko ye. tima kasih..)
